The Ingredients
The ingredients required to produce a successful office business center covers a broad range of subjects. They include the technology needed to support the modern office user, comfortable and healthy lighting, functionally supportive furniture, marketing and sale knowledge, personnel requirements, center operations knowledge, and office business center economics. All of this and more must be part of the design of an office business center. AoPlan provides knows and provides the right ingredients. Our extensive library is continually updated with new products, service providers and industry data necessary to remain current and maintain leadership in office business center design.
The Execution
A design must be executable. AoPlan’s talents include the ability to provide the materials and talents to assure that the centers we design are executed correctly so that our clients’ expectations are fulfilled and the centers we design are successful. A visit to our services section will illustrate the comprehensiveness and attention given to this area by AoPlan
The Environment
Office business centers bring diverse groups of companies and professionals together. They are essentially strangers when they enter the center. AoPlan believes that successful office business centers provide environments that promote the experience of “community” among center clients and visitors. Centers should be facilities that full time and part time users want to come to, feel a part of, and be comfortable working in. For this reason all AoPlan centers include lounge and café areas for the common use of clients.
The Image
The first impression or image of a visitor or a potential center client is one of the most important elements of center design. It can make or break the potential success of the center. Image is a subjective factor, however. To the urban center it may mean ”highly professional”. To the suburban center, it may be more casual. AoPlan designers study markets and potential users to find the right image for our clients’ centers. Reception areas are carefully designed and reception personnel carefully chosen by specialists. Conference and meeting rooms are carefully design to support function levels and usage requirements.
The Spacial Relationships
Office business centers must maintain basic relationships among public, private, service and management spaces in order to operate efficiently and successfully. AoPlan designers understand the working procedures of a center, the interrelationships among it employees and the importance of the configuration of the center in supporting the expectations of center clientele. Service and management areas are strategically positioned to support client needs, personnel functions and management requirements.
“As an attorney, I was hoping to find a suite designer who was prompt, accurate, and creative. Mr. Fox brought fresh, new ideas to the table. All while keeping us on budget and on time.”